Overchurch Junior School

R.E. and World Views 



R.E and World Views at OJS


RE LTP 2024-25 


At Overchurch Junior School the teaching of RE is based on the Wirral Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Worldviews 2019.  It is our intent that our RE curriculum will enable pupils to gain a developing knowledge of the right of people to hold diverse beliefs and values, and help them develop positive attitudes of respect and tolerance towards other people.

Our children will learn about principle religions and celebration of festivals from a variety of different faiths. They will be given opportunities to learn how people live out their traditions  and beliefs with visits to places of worship within the community and visitors coming into school.

We use RE to encourage our children to develop an appreciation of the world in which they live and to reflect upon their responsibility towards it.  RE also provides us with opportunities to enhance children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.