Overchurch Junior has proudly been awarded the School Games 'Gold' Award.

PE Long term plan 24-25
When pupils leave Overchurch Juniors, we want them to be confident in their ability to fully engage in a wider range of opportunities and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges, both in PE and Sport and other areas of the school. Our pupils will develop good social skills, including effective communication, through the tailored curriculum which supports them to have a positive attitude towards being active and encourages good decisions relating to leading a healthy active lifestyle.
Our curriculum will be taught in a way that encourages pupils to develop a wide range of skills, physical and non-physical, that enable their long term engagement in physical activity. The curriculum will focus on skills instead of ‘sport’ to provide pupils with the ability to transfer skills across different activities, with particular focus on building upon prior learning.
As a school we value the impact PE and Sport can have on other areas including removing a range of barriers to participation in school and the community, to ensure it is accessible for all. During their time at Overchurch, all pupils will be provided with a diverse range of competitions, events and opportunities within the community such as local clubs. Pupil premium pupils will be provided with increased opportunity to take part and access provision that meets their requirements. Whilst maintaining a focus on opportunities for all, the school will ensure there are clear pathways for the most able pupils to follow.
For our pupils, the curriculum will have additional emphasis on RESPECT values and an awareness of health and fitness due to the recent pandemic and water safety due to the geographical location of our school.
‘Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.’
Nelson Mandela, 2000
‘Developing pupil’s personal qualities through PE can affect their attitudes towards school and learning. When PE and School sport provision is of the highest quality, all pupils will, to the best of their abilities, develop and demonstrate the following personal qualities:
- A strong desire to learn & make progress;
- High levels of attendance and involvement in PE and School sport;
- High levels of commitment to PE and School sport;
- Good levels of positive behaviour such as politeness, fair play and helpfulness; and
- High levels of enjoyment and enthusiasm and a strong desire to get involved.’
(DCMS Learning through PE & Sport)